In 1994, Carl and Patti asked us to join them in Hawaii to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. It was our first really BIG trip. We had such a grand time that we started planning at least one BIG trip every year.
We have visited all the States, most of Europe and some Asia, the Caribbean Islands, the US National Parks, the Canadian Provinces, and Latin America. We went by bus; by boat; by plane, and by bicycle.
We have saved memories of those trips with thousands of photos, journals, scrapbooks, videos, and blogs.
In addition to a very large scrapbook, I commemorated our trip with my first attempt at a vacation video. I embedded our best photos in this commercial production on YouTube.
In 1996 we organized a tour of England, Scotland, and Wales and invited six of our friends to join us. Here are pictures of our scrapbook pages of that trip.
In 1998 we wrote a journal for our visit to Paris on our way to a Grand European tour of Italy.
NEW 2022 Book of our 1999 RV Tour of Alaska.
In 2001 we did an illustrated journal and scrapbook for a Tauck Tour of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria
In 2001 we stopped with the travel scrapbooks and transcribed photo journals.
Here are links to those journals.
Over 25 years, we have
collected photos
from many people on our travels.
on 25 SHUTTERFLY albums.
In 2012 We cruised the
Canadian Maritime.
This trip has a captioned
slide show. Click here
and then click the
Slide Show in the upper left.